Ieindia new website how to register. website updated and all previous links are broken.

Ieindia new site how to register.

Ieindia registration for checking result.

Amie website registration checking results.

Ieindia new site result checking.

If you need to check out website you need to register.

Without registration not able to view results and apply for examination.

Ieindia new website registration help.

Amie new website registration tutorial.

At first you need to go to ieindia registration page.

Click here to go registration page

Page seams like this.
You need to click "Are you an existing IE member ?" YES.

Its is default setting is  No.

So be careful if you do not tick this you cannot view links.

Provide your membership no on the column and website will fetch your details.

Fill the password.

Click interested area as examination Amie.

Click submit and you will directed to home page.

If your fetched email id an mobile number is wrong then go to manage and change email and phone number as preferred.

It is important because if you forget your password then you need to otp to change it.
If email or phone number is wrong then you cannot change password.

Here small video on registration.
